How to take care of your toupees? 8 ways get you out of your cleaning problems.
If a man have a nice toupee, he'll definitely be masculine and charming. However, a good human hair toupee is not something be keeping forever without special daily care. Don't worry, here is some tips for toupees cleaning problems. Hoping you'll always be a sensitive hunk. Here we go. Putting in the correct place Each day when you take off the toupee, you have to set it on a holder. 1. 2 Saving in the plastic bags If you don’t need to wear toupees for a while, you have to put it away. You’d better do not expose it in the air or it would be dust-covered or messed. Therefore, it’s a good way to save the toupees to the place you’ve used to or to the plastic bags. 2. 3 Cleaning the toupees regularly If you wear toupees on a daily basis, I suggest you clean it once a week. However you must aware that toupees can not be cleaned in hot water, or the quality of it would not be assured, beside...